
The first quarter profit of chinalco's ruimin aluminium strip exceeded 1 million yuanIssuingTime:2005-04-27

In the first quarter of 2005, chinalco ruimin aluminum plate and strip co., LTD. Had a good production and operation situation and an outstanding export growth. Sales rose 11.04% in the first quarter from a year earlier. Sales revenue increased 18.84% year on year. Output rose 15.20 per cent year on year. In march, production and sales topped the 5,000 tons mark for the first time, reversing losses in the previous quarter due to the weak market season and the long Spring Festival holiday, with a profit of more than 1 million yuan.

Compared with previous years, the export market is promising to become one of the main growth points of this year's benefits. Exports generated nearly $15m, or 50 per cent of sales. Export orders for the second quarter exceeded 2500t per month.

After years of efforts, chinalco has gradually formed the international and domestic half - wall marketing pattern. The formation of this pattern has laid a solid foundation for building the company into an export base in two major bases of aluminum corporation of China: high quality products and export.

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