
Customer opinion survey form
Name:Sir (madam)
Thank you for reading this questionnaire, in order to improve our overall level of "fujian aluminum" products and services, and better serve our customers
If you have any comments, please fill out and check this questionnaire. We will take your Suggestions seriously. For any complaints, please dial 400-918-6688 directly. Thank you for your support.Fuel together 2024!
About Nanping Aluminum Product Image Exhibition Hall

1. Do you need to set up "Min aluminum" product image exhibition hall

2. "Min aluminum" exhibition hall to be set up site

3. "Min aluminum" exhibition hall should have perfect elements

4. If you have set up "Min aluminum" exhibition hall, its decoration design style

About the brand image of the dealer store "minal"

1. Is there a store in the area where you sell "minal" products

2. Your store is located in the city area

3. Do you need to buy and update POP promotion poster regularly

4. Whether to buy fujian aluminum product quality assurance steel brand in your store

5. Do you want to buy minal products licensed to sell steel brand

6. You have designed the outer packing and laminating of minal profile products

7. My store does not have the sign advertisement of "min aluminum", please help to unify the design and manufacture

Detailed dimension:
About the advertising of "min aluminum" in the sales area

1. Your distribution of "minal" products in the region of public awareness of the brand

2. Do you need product TV ads

3. Do you need a street sign advertisement

4. Do you need to hold a product exhibition

5. Trade magazine advertising

6. Subway station bus line car body advertisement

7. Advertisements are broadcast on the communication channel

QR Code
炉霍县| 海淀区| 天长市| 茶陵县| 洪湖市| 衡南县| 宁晋县| 阳江市| 伊金霍洛旗| 漳州市| 德惠市| 乐陵市| 神农架林区| 洪江市| 钟山县| 化隆| 兴义市| 岳西县| 吕梁市| 本溪| 上犹县| 车险| 北宁市| 来安县| 濉溪县| 上思县| 饶平县| 永安市| 黄山市| 华池县| 杭锦后旗| 法库县| 偏关县| 剑阁县| 遂宁市| 九龙城区| 大丰市| 凤阳县| 夏津县| 古丈县| 桦甸市|